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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1503
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .6893
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 6،
issue Number 88
Analysis of the characters in the story D’abel and Zulfa
Fatemeh Abbasi , Mahmoud Bashiri (Author in Charge)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Every literary work uses a main and key element. The most important element of the story is its characters. The characters are actually the soul of the story and the charm of the stories largely depends on their characters; Therefore, its processing method should not be considered simple. The author is the creator of the characters of his fictional work and must have the ability to show their inner and outer layers to the reader. The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze the characters of the story of D’abel and Zulfa. The purpose of analyzing and criticizing the character of D’abel and Zulfa is also to achieve the meaning and structure hidden in the characters of the story in order to determine whether the processing of the character of D’abel and Zulfa has been done correctly in its structure and context, according to the author"s goals?
METHODOLOGY: The research method in this study is descriptive and analytical, which was done in a library form by studying sources, taking samples and classifying the materials.
FINDINGS: The novel D’abel and Zulfa, written by Muzaffar Salari, is a romantic novel in a historical and religious format. The main axis of the story is based on love. The tasteful and thoughtful writer has mixed the bitter memories of the caliphate of Harun al-Rashid and Ma"moun Abbasi with the spice of love to make it sweet and pleasant for the audience and describes the characters in an artistic way.
CONCLUSION: Characterization in this story is mostly done through dialogue between the characters, and the element of dialogue, in addition to playing an important role in the flow of the novel, also plays a significant role in dramatic characterization. The characters of the story play a role in the creation of the story in both positive and negative poles. In conversation, characterization through dialogue (two-way conversation) is superior to characterization through monologue. Salari has used two descriptive and dramatic methods for characterization; That is, the characters of the story have been introduced both by their actions and behavior and by the author by describing their appearance, moods, moods, thoughts and opinions, and by using the mind, one can find each of these descriptions and put them together.
, D’abel and Zulfa
, character
, characterization.
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